The BerDiBa (Berliner Digitaler Bahnbetrieb) project brings together a consortium of partners from research and industry to develop and test the core technologies for autonomous railway operations. BerDiBa is 50% funded by the state of Berlin, and it includes the European Union as a co-financier. The project is planned to run from October 2021 to September 2025.
The project's goal is to improve the safety and efficiency of railway systems by leveraging the power of AI systems to enable autonomous rail operation in real-world environments. It seeks to enable fully automated driving, maintenance and remote control functionality by developing AI components to detect obstacles on the track, changes in rail infrastructure and environment, as well as hazards to passengers in the train.
neurocat contribution to the project focuses on robustness assessment of AI components to be deployed in autonomous trains to ensure safety and reliability.
The project consists of the following partners:
- acs plus GmbH
- AAI GmbH
- Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI)
- German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
- GSP GmbH
- ITQ GmbH
- Konrad Zuse Center for Information Technology Berlin
- neurocat GmbH
- Siemens Mobility GmbH (consortium leader)
- Technical University of Berlin
- Televic Rail GmbH
- Teraki GmbH
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