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Reporting: Linking data to decisions

To skip directly to the sample report with interactive elements, click here. Here at neurocat one of our core solution offerings is ML perception model testing. These tests use image augmentations to push the …
February 15, 2024
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California Dreams of Autonomous Vehicles: Lessons from the summer for avoiding an AV winter

The regulatory fight over expanded robotaxi deployment in California, and the implications for GM's Cruise, highlight what we as an industry need to take seriously. Who would have thought that tech regulation could unfold …
November 21, 2023
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Does augmented data capture the same thing as real data? Our method validity experiments 

Or how I learned to stop worrying and love "fake" data. A question we at neurocat often get about the augmented data we generate with aidkit is whether it is as good as real …
September 27, 2023
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Adding rain augmentations to images: How and why we create realistic augmented data

While we at neurocat create many types of data augmentations, we are especially proud of our rain augmentation. Rain is complex and diverse. Realistically capturing this requires creative thinking and tricky implementation. So today …
September 6, 2023
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The importance of scaling your perception testing: Cost, time, and completeness

The testing of a perception model is an underappreciated step in ADAS/ADS development. With time-consuming collection and complicated model training done, confidence in swift validation and the enthusiasm for integration and deployment are high. …
August 2, 2023
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Differences in the autonomous vehicle landscape: Observations from America and perspectives for Europe

Florens Gressner, CEO of neurocat GmbH It is often said that Americans and Germans share a love of their cars. But do they share the same love for autonomous cars? I recently embarked upon …
June 13, 2023
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Why we test: A look at the oft unspoken reasons we test ML perception

Testing is a natural step in the development of machine-learning models for use in perception components of autonomous vehicles. It is so natural, that it is unquestioned. We include it automatically, without reflection.  But …
May 11, 2023
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Avoiding Sisyphean data campaigns: The role of augmented and synthetic data

In Greek mythology Sisyphus was sentenced, as punishment for avoiding death, to roll a rock up a hill only for it to roll back down for all eternity.  The fate of Sisyphus is today …
May 2, 2023
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Recall or update? When safety is at stake the difference is more than semantic

Tesla is currently in the midst of recalling over 300,000 of its vehicles from all its four major models. Or is it recalling anything? That is the question at the heart of a disagreement …
April 12, 2023
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A neurocat Christmas story

'Twas the night before Christmas, and at the North Pole activity swirled,  as preparations began, for a journey to spread joy to the world. Gifts to light up children's eyes were loaded on the …
December 20, 2022

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